The parish office is opened to the public from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Monday-Thursday and 8:30 am - Noon on Friday
Mass Times/Services
St. John’s/Transfiguration
Communion Service: Mon. & Tues. 8:00 am - St. John’s
Weekday Mass: Wed. - Fri. - 8:00 am - St. John’s
Saturday - 4:30 pm - St. John’s(Live-Streamed)
Sunday - 10:30 am - St. John’s
Reconciliation - 3:00pm - 3:45pm - St. John’s
Novena to St. Jude - 7:00 pm (6:30 pm rosary) - Transfiguration
Adoration - 6:00 am - 9:00 pm - Transfiguration
St. Leo & St. Ann's (Holland Patent)
Mass Times
Sunday - 8:30 am
Confession - Sunday - 7:45 am - 8:00 am
Communion Service: Wednesday at 8:00 am
Faith Formation for Kindergarten through 6th grade
kicks off on September 12th.
In-person registration for Faith Formation:
Thursday, 9/5 from 4pm to 5pm
Sunday, 9/8 from 9:45am to 10:20am and 11:30am to 12:00pm.
First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion
Students in 2nd grade will get ready for their First Holy Communion in May.
Registration for First Holy Communion will be at the same time listed above.
For any questions, please contact the
Faith Formation Director, Ann Marie Hunzinger - 315-886-6597.
Perpetual Adoration is open from 6:00am-6:00pm until we reach the increased number of adorers needed to have Perpetual Adoration again. Two adorers for each hour will be required. Please contact your day captain for specifics on this, they are as follows:
Sunday-Janine Wilhelm 337-9033 or
Monday & Friday - Bernadette Kapps
Wednesday-Caren Libertella
Thursday - Chris Klara 315-335-8918 & Jackie -Stutman -315-264-7829
Tuesday - Jesse & Ann Ruiz - 315-339-5057
Saturday-Jean Gudaitis
339-9755 or 371-6136
Times available for Adoration:
Also looking for substitutes. Please call if you would like to sign up or substitute. Thank you.
Project Fibonacci is Proud to be a part of The Community Coming Together
Free Food Distribution!
For those in need we will be teaming up with Food Bank of CNY and St. John The Baptist Church with Food Boxes provided by Food Bank of CNY.
DATE- 2nd Friday of Every Month
Food Distribution will begin at 2pm at St. John The Baptist Roman Catholic Church
210 East Dominick St, Rome NY.
Distribution for 2 boxes per vehicle is allowed. Walkers will be directed to a pick up location upon arrival.
Enter the parking lot from Bouck St. across from Ace Hardware.
Food distribution will begin at 2pm and end when supplies are depleted.
In order to plan for future distributions we will request name and information about each household recipient.